Volume: 137 , Issue: 1 , November Published Date: 22 November 2023
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 321 , Download: 316 , Pages: 211 - 236
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP10013711120235664
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 321 , Download: 316 , Pages: 211 - 236
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP10013711120235664
# | Author Name |
Reading brings people into contact with the culture and the values and principles adhered to by the community. It can help them develop own ideas about relationships. It includes the world of thoughts and emotions. It is said that a person who can read well, can function more effectively in everyday activities and can satisfy their emotional and intellectual needs more effectively. Without comprehension, reading per se would serve no purpose. As such this study aimed to assess the effect of the remediation activities to the academic progress of the Grade 5 pupils with the end view of proposing an intervention plan based on the findings. Results consisted of the respondents are aged 31-35, female, bachelors degree graduate, and have served for 1-10 years in teaching already. The reading remediation activities have a high extent of effect on the vocabulary development and comprehension of the materials read by the pupils. The reading remediation activities have a high extent of effect on the vocabulary development and comprehension of the materials read by the pupils. The pupils have a high satisfactory academic performance as an effect of the reading remediation activities implemented to them. There is a significant relationship between the extent of effect of reading remediation activities and the profile of the respondents. There is a significant difference between the effect of the implemented reading remediation activities to the pupils and their academic progress in English. Recommendations included that of the proposed intervention plan to be implemented to further improve the reading skills of the pupils in terms of vocabulary development and comprehension of the read materials.