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Supplementary Learning Materials for Technology and Livelihood Education-Cookery Under Modular Distance Learning

Volume: 105  ,  Issue: 1 , July    Published Date: 18 July 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 609  ,  Download: 1490 , Pages: 23 - 39    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001051720223643


# Author Name
1 Maridel SD. Espiritu


The present study was conducted to create and develop supplementary learning materials for Grade 10 learners under the course of Technology and Livelihood Education- Cookery. It involves forty-two student-respondents from Pacita Complex National High School and three validator-respondents from the respective field. It sought answers on the level of acceptability of the components of the created Supplementary Learning Materials (SLMs) with regard to objectives, content, activities, and assessment. The level of acceptability of the characteristics of the created SLMs with regard to relevance, appropriateness, aesthetic value, and adaptability. The level of student performance in the subject of TLE - Cookery by the results of the practical test. The significant effect of components and characteristics of the created SLM on the performance of the students in the subject of TLE ? Cookery. The study used the descriptive correlation method. Questionnaires were the main instrument used in the research to gather data from the respondents. The result for both the components and characteristics of the created Supplementary Learning Materials (SLMs) level of acceptability was Very High. The level of performance of the students was Satisfactory. The SLMs have no significant effect on learners? performance in preparing stocks, and sauces as to the content and assessment of the created Supplementary Material (SLM) for Grade 10 TLE-Cookery. However, there were significant effects on the objectives and activities of the learners? performance in preparing soup under components. There was no significant effect on the learner?s performance in preparing stocks, and sauces to the characteristics of the created Supplementary Material (SLM) for Grade 10 TLE-Cookery. The hypothesis which states that there is no significant effect on the components and characteristics of the created SLM and the performance of students in the subject of TLE ? Cookery is not supported. It is recommended that there should be enhancement of the created Supplementary Material (SLM) in terms of contents indicators by attending seminars on module or learning material construction is highly recommended. It is suggested to develop engaging activities related to the TLE-Cookery course on which students can increase their level of performance very satisfactorily by improving the rubric assessment used in the performance tests. It is suggested for administrators allocate a budget to the development of Supplementary Material (SLM) to maintain quality output and transform students? performance very satisfactorily. Other researchers can use this study to help them further analyze and improve the use of created Supplementary Material (SLM) for Grade 10 TLE-Cookery using different variables and different research designs.


  • instructional round in education
  • differentiated education
  • modular distance learning amidst covid 19 pandemic