Volume: 102 , Issue: 1 , June Published Date: 13 June 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 835 , Download: 542 , Pages: 810 - 818
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001021620223343
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 835 , Download: 542 , Pages: 810 - 818
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001021620223343
# | Author Name |
This study aimed to find out the determinants of grade 5 learners in EPP-Industrial Arts under Modular Distance Learning of San Antonio Elementary School in the Schools Division Office of the City of San Pedro and to identify the impact of parents? involvement in the learner?s outcome. One hundred Twenty-three (123) learners were the respondents in this research study. The Descriptive Research Design was used to find out the determinants that affect the performance of Grade 5 learners in EPP-Industrial Arts for the School Year 2021-2022.Based on the data gathered, the overall statistical data revealed that: The level of determinants of grade 5 learners in EPP-Industrial Arts in terms of interest, motivation, learning environment, parent?s involvement, and time constraint had a verbal interpretation of highly acceptable; The level of written works and perform tasks based on the statistical data showed was outstanding. Hence, there is Significant Effect of Determinants of Learners on Student?s Written Works specifically the parent?s involvement, and There is Significant Effect of Determinants of Learners on Student?s performance tasks specifically the parent?s involvement and time constraints. After the data and results of the study were presented, analyzed, and interpreted, it was found out that the involvement of the parents and time constraints as determinants had a significant effect on the learners? learning outcomes. Also, the learners? grades in written works and performance tasks improved if the parents were involved, and there was enough time for them to do the tasks given by the teacher. There are lots of changes when it comes to the teaching process in the New Normal in EPPIndustrial Arts. Based on the conclusions above, the following recommendations were recommended: For learners? better academic performance, teachers may involve parents in the teaching-learning process; Teachers may give enough time for students to answer specific tasks so that learners may not be stressed to finish the activities; Teachers provide activities that are suited to learners? capacity and ability; School Administrators may conduct Learning Action Cells (LAC Sessions) to enhance the teachers in making learning activities for their students; and For the Future Researcher, this study may help them improve the written works and performance tasks that they may give to their learners to measure their learning outcomes.