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The Impact of Electronic Learning During Covid-19 on Phinma Saint Jude College Medical Technology Students and their Coping Mechanism.

Volume: 99  ,  Issue: 1 , April    Published Date: 25 April 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 608  ,  Download: 684 , Pages: 140 - 155    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP100991420223083


# Author Name
1 Norlyn Mae Rosario Bihay
2 Veejay Robles
3 Patricia Joy Viguella
4 Jan Nicole Termulo
5 Diana Joyce Barrientos


A descriptive research was done to determine the impact of Electronic Learning in the Medical Technology Students and their Coping Mechanism. The estimated population sampling was 124 students and only 106 students responded. The student-response is dominated by females within the age range of nineteen to twenty one, with the majority of the population in second year level. The mean assessments in the coping mechanism reported that 50% of the students sometimes confront their problems, talk to other people, plan their next move and are sometimes optimist in dealing difficulties during learning. More than half of the students have somewhat developed their own ways to keep their emotional well-being in shape by distancing themselves from things that they think are slowly dragging them down such as stress but still have control over them. They sometimes criticized themselves, prepared for the worst things that could happen, and tended to escape by turning on their work or doing other things not related to school activities as a way of avoidance. It was found that the students' coping mechanism during Electronic learning has no significant relation to their educational level. However, the data collected are not sufficient enough to support the existence of the students? academic rank and performance during electronic learning.


  • Stress
  • Coping Mechanism
  • Electronic Learning