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Homeroom Symposium and Calamity Response Level of Senior High School Learners

Volume: 85  ,  Issue: 1 , September    Published Date: 19 September 2021
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 1383  ,  Download: 787 , Pages: 46 - 66    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP100851920212273


# Author Name
1 Elymar A. Pascual


The second semester of the school year 2019 - 2020 was bombarded with different calamities and pandemic that hamper school days. This paper sought to determine the significant difference of calamity response level of senior high school learners of Talangan Integrated National High School, Nagcarlan, Laguna, Philippines, when measured across sex groups, family income status and academic performance. With the conduct of monthly homeroom symposium that dealt with non-academic topics such as reaching out to people, continuing life in the midst of adversities, and developing full potential as God?s stewards, the researcher also measured the relationship of homeroom symposia application and calamity response level of learners. The writing of this research study revolved around the concept of a qualitative approach, in which data came from responses through survey questions provided to 32 Grade 11 learners through social media, in the midst of the quarantine period battling against COVID-19. The questionnaire has the following parts: learners? profile, homeroom symposium application, and calamity response level with 3 indicators: reaching out to people, continuous study at home in the midst of calamity, and maximizing time to do productive tasks. It was found out that there is a significant difference in calamity response level in terms of reaching out when checked across family income status. Those who have average family income tends to reach out more than those with below average and above average family income status. Also, it came out that there is a significant relationship between homeroom symposia application and calamity response level in terms of continuous study and maximizing time. Through homeroom symposium, learners? desire to continue studying at home and develop their potentials is sustained. Recommendations were given to classroom advisers, school heads, district supervisors and future researchers.


  • homeroom
  • symposium
  • calamity
  • response
  • reaching out
  • study
  • maximize
  • time