Publisher Name: IJRP
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# | Author Name |
1 | Muniroh Munawar |
2 | Kardoyo |
This research was motivated by the importance of human resource management in Early Childhood Institutions in achieving Indonesia's national quality standards. A good quality of work life can improve the quality of products and services produced by companies or organizations. Therefore, the quality of work life is an impact on achieving the quality standards of an Early Childhood institution. This study used independent variables namely Commitment (X1), Training and Development (X2), and dependent variable namely Quality of Work Life (Y). Data collection in this study was a questionnaire method distributed to 55 Early Childhood teachers by using purposive sampling. While the analysis was done by processing data using SPSS version 16.0 for windows.The results of regression analysis showed that the commitment variable, the training and development variable have effect on the quality of work life. Based on the results, a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.290 obtained, which means that the influence of commitment, training and development on the quality of work life is 29%. The remaining of 71% is influenced by other variables