Volume: 168 , Issue: 1 , March Published Date: 14 March 2025
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 2 , Download: 3 , Pages: 223 - 238
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001681320257654
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 2 , Download: 3 , Pages: 223 - 238
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001681320257654
# | Author Name |
This study explored the tutors views on using a portfolio as a continuous assessment practice in higher learning institutions in Tanzania. The study was conducted at Morogoro-Campus in Tanzania. A qualitative approach was employed in this study. A case study research design was used to allow an in-depth exploration of a real-life context. A constructivist learning theory was used in this study. A purposeful sampling technique was used to collect responses from tutors. Eight tutors were selected as participants in this research. The study used semi-structured interviews to gather data from eight (8) tutors. Thematic analysis was conducted to examine the themes emerged to represent tutors views towards portfolio. Findings indicated that tutors were using a portfolio with a positive attitude as this strategy is believed in its capability of assessing in a meaningful way. In addition, tutors believed that if trained properly, a portfolio can assist them to keep learners records appropriately and they can use these records to monitor their learners performance. Although these tutors viewed the portfolio positively, they believed that its use in classrooms was costly and was leading to frustration among them as tutors. Most tutors agreed that there needs to be more tutor training to explain portfolios functions and benefits. Problems teachers foresaw in portfolio use included time-consuming in marking portfolios, excessive workload in limited time and difficulty in evaluating many teaching portfolios.