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Navigating Educational Outcomes: Teachers’ Perception on the Role of School Management to the Secondary School Achievements

Volume: 151  ,  Issue: 1 , June    Published Date: 22 June 2024
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 165  ,  Download: 183 , Pages: 278 - 309    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001511620246835


# Author Name
1 Mark John Platero Sandoval


This study aimed to examine the roles of school management in secondary school achievements. It focused on three areas of investigation. First, to determine the level of school management. Second, the level of school achievement. And lastly, the significant relation of school management to secondary school achievement. This study used a correlational research design to determine the relationship between school management and school achievements. The respondents of the study were Teacher I – III of secondary school in the 3rd Administrative District of Schools Division Office of Laguna where the school management and school achievement will be observed. As a result of the study, the school management has made remarks with a verbal interpretation of very highly managed. Similarly, the findings on the schools achievements have made remarks with a verbal interpretation of very highly achieved. The findings reveal a significant relationship between school management and school achievement. The studys assessment of different management aspects and their correlation with achievement areas exposes a notable relationship, indicating the diverse aspects of achievement. This emphasizes the potential for school management to enhance secondary school achievements, offering valuable benefits to stakeholders. The initial hypothesis that there is no significant relationship between school management and school achievement is rejected by statistical results and revealing a significant relationship. Considering the analysis and findings presented in the study, several key recommendations have been formulated to address the implications and potential applications of the results. Students may be recommended to participate in school management to convey more of their needs as students inside and outside the school. On the other hand, School Heads may prioritize constructive management practices across school management towards school achievements to cultivate a positive and supportive environment for all stakeholders.  


  • school management;
  • stakeholders
  • professional development