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Slac Implementation to the Teachers Professional Upskilling and Performance: Basis for Crafting Action Plan

Volume: 150  ,  Issue: 1 , June    Published Date: 03 June 2024
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 188  ,  Download: 181 , Pages: 64 - 82    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001501620246656


# Author Name
1 Jackielou Cending Crucillo


This study aims to investigate the impact of SLAC implementation on teachers professional upskilling and performance. Specifically, it examines the extent of SLAC program implementation among elementary teachers and its correlation with professional upskilling and performance. The study evaluates teachers performance based on recent Individual Performance Commitment Rating (IPCR) ratings and explores the significant relationship between SLAC implementation and both professional upskilling and performance among respondents. The study employed the Descriptive Correlational research design via quantitative research method to determine the extent of implementation of the School Learning Action Cell (SLAC) and the challenges encountered by the teachers in its implementation. The respondents were selected using the random sampling technique and consisted of two hundred (200) teachers with a specific focus on Cluster 3 and 4, Schools Division of Calamba, Laguna. The findings highlight several key points: teachers active engagement in SLAC activities demonstrates their commitment to professional upskilling across various areas educators universally recognize the importance of ongoing professional growth for enhancing instructional quality recent IPCR ratings indicate high levels of teacher performance satisfaction there is a significant positive correlation between professional growth and SLAC Program implementation across multiple factors however, the influence of SLAC Program implementation on teacher performance ratings is minimal, with factors like process compliance and roles and responsibilities playing a more substantial role. The researcher concludes that significant positive correlation between the Extent of SLAC Program Implementation and Professional Upskilling and Extent of SLAC Implementation significantly correlates with Teachers Performance. Thus, the null hypotheses stated were both rejected.   Based on the findings and conclusions, the following recommendations are proposed: Foster teacher collaboration and integration across various educational domains, leveraging the cohesive approach observed in SLAC Program implementation. This can be achieved through interdisciplinary meetings, workshops, and cooperative projects to enhance program success. Invest in specialized professional development programs tailored to educators individual needs and preferences. Offer diverse opportunities for mentorship, consultation, practice, reflection, and learning to ensure continuous improvement in teaching practices recognize and celebrate teachers achievements while providing avenues for ongoing support and feedback. Implement constructive feedback sessions, peer mentoring, and recognition programs to maintain and elevate teaching performance standards Continue funding and expanding SLAC Program initiatives due to the strong positive association found between professional development and program execution.


  • Professional Upskilling
  • implementation
  • performance