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Primer for Equipment Handling in Science Classroom towards Students’ Performance

Volume: 149  ,  Issue: 1 , May    Published Date: 28 May 2024
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 294  ,  Download: 184 , Pages: 878 - 894    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001491520246536


# Author Name
1 Mille – Kinz Villa Gaelo


This study determined the significant effect of the primer and equipment handling to students performance. Specifically, it sought to answer the level of components of a primer the level of features of a primer the level of students performance the significant effect between the level of components and features of a primer and written test the significant effect between the level of components and features of a primer and laboratory tasks. The research design use descriptive - quantitative method to investigate the benefits of a Primer for Equipment Handling of the forty (40) eighth grader students based on components and features of the primer. The respondents of the study were the STE8 students of Gulang – Gulang to test the effectiveness of using a Primer for Equipment Handling. In this study, purposive sampling method was used in choosing the respondents. The researcher made questionnaires validated by different experts. The study was conducted in the District of Lucena City, Schools Division of Lucena. Based on the data presented and interpreted, the statistical data revealed that most of the students shown: “Very High” as interpretation on the level of components of a primer “Very Highly” as interpretation on the level of features of a primer for the students performance, it shows that the level of performance in their written test has a descriptive equivalent of “Very Satisfactory or High”. Respondents also show a descriptive equivalent of Excellent on the level of students performance in their laboratory tasks. This means that using a primer for equipment handling helped the students to increase students performance in science class. The study found that using a primer had a significant effect on students written test performance. This means that the hypothesis stating there is no significant effect between the level of components and features of a primer and students written test scores is rejected. However, the use of a primer did not have a significant effect on students laboratory tasks. This means the hypothesis that there is no significant effect between the level of components and features of a primer and students laboratory tasks is accepted. The primers content is thorough and well-presented, but it may not directly relate to the practical skills and knowledge needed for laboratory tasks. Other factors such as individual learning styles, prior experience, or challenges during lab work might have a greater influence on students performance. Further investigation is needed to identify specific gaps or adjustments in the primer to better assist students in their lab tasks. Based on the conclusions formulated from the findings, the following recommendations were given the teachers may provide real-world examples and to motivate more the students to use their cognitive abilities in laboratory settings. In order to help students, apply the knowledge and abilities they have learned from introductory handbooks, create collaborative learning environments offer training sessions or workshops to familiarize students with the primer handbook and its features, emphasizing its role in enhancing laboratory skills and performance and regularly assess the effectiveness of the primer handbook in improving students laboratory skills and performance. Gather feedback from students and instructors regarding the usability, relevance, and impact of the handbook, and make necessary adjustments based on the findings. 


  • Primer handbook;
  • performance
  • laboratory task