Volume: 149 , Issue: 1 , May Published Date: 28 May 2024
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 300 , Download: 220 , Pages: 807 - 821
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001491520246525
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 300 , Download: 220 , Pages: 807 - 821
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001491520246525
# | Author Name |
1 | Nicole A. Avellana |
This study determined the relationship between technology-enhanced explicit vocabulary instruction in teaching science 8: improving scientific comprehension and performance to the grade 8 students of Liceo de Pakil. Specifically, this study answered the following, the level of utilizing technology-enhanced explicit vocabulary instruction, the students comprehension and the students performance in written output in formative test and summative test. The study also aimed to determine the significant relationship between the level of utilizing technology-enhanced explicit vocabulary instruction on students comprehension and performance. The instruments used in the study was a survey questionnaire checklist and 50-item test. Moreover, the researcher utilized weighted mean, standard deviation and pearson r correlation to analyze and interpret the data gathered. Sixty (60) randomly selected grade 8 students from Liceo de Pakil were assessed and used as respondents of this research. The findings shows that the level of utilizing technology-enhanced explicit vocabulary instruction was perceived to as very great extent. Similarly, the student comprehension was also perceived as very great extent. Moreover, the students performance in terms of written output as to formative test showed a descriptive equivalent of satisfactory, and the level of students performance in terms of written output as to summative test showed a descriptive equivalent of outstanding. Additionally, the research findings highlight the significant relationship between the technology-enhanced explicit vocabulary instruction and student comprehension while it is found to have significant relationship between technology-enhanced explicit vocabulary instruction in students performance. Based on the findings, the following conclusions were made. The study revealed no significant relationship between technology-enhanced explicit vocabulary instruction and student comprehension, leading to the acceptance of the hypothesis asserting their lack of significant correlation. A significant relationship between technology-enhanced explicit vocabulary instruction and students performance was found, thus rejecting the second hypothesis. It is recommended that students actively engage with study-provided resources and seek teacher support to overcome challenges with scientific vocabulary, while teachers should integrate technology-enhanced instruction into their teaching, supported by ongoing professional development. Schools can enhance curriculum with student-centered vocabulary programs, fostering inclusive learning environments, while future research should explore further avenues for improving vocabulary instruction and comprehension.