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Analyzing Teacher Discourse: Understanding the Role of Teacher Talk in ESL Classroom Communication

Volume: 149  ,  Issue: 1 , May    Published Date: 23 May 2024
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 307  ,  Download: 240 , Pages: 421 - 433    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001491520246475


# Author Name
1 Madilyn C. Ondoy, PhD
2 Meutia Rachmatia
3 Sigit Suharjono
4 Sinta Novia


The teacher's role in the ESL classroom is pivotal in acquiring knowledge and language skills by studentslearning a second language. This study aims to investigate the functions of teacher talk in an ESLclassroomsetting, focusing on Indonesian teachers and learners. The research utilizes discourse analysis methodologytoanalyze videos of actual classroom observations of English classes, transcribe the interactions, code them, andconduct a detailed analysis. The data for this study is collected through recording and transcribingESLclassroom sessions conducted by Indonesian teachers. The videos are analyzed using discourse analysistechniques to identify and categorize the various functions of teacher talk, including explaining, creating, prompting, and dialogue. These functions delve into facilitating language learning and communicationskillsamong ESL learners in Indonesia. The study revealed that Indonesian teachers predominantly employedexplaining, creating, prompting, and dialogue in their classroom discourse. Through explanations, teachersclarified topics, words, and commands while creating involved paraphrasing and facilitating student understanding. Prompting elicits interaction through the initiation-response-feedback pattern, and dialoguefacilitates spontaneous exchanges of conversation, ideas, and experiences between teachers and students. Theidentified functions of teacher talk shed light on the strategies employed by Indonesian teachers to support English language acquisition in ESL classrooms. By understanding these functions and their impact on languagelearning, educators can enhance their teaching practices to aid comprehension and linguistic development. Thisstudy contributes to the existing knowledge based on effective teacher talk in an ESL setting.