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School Heads’ Professional Advancement Priorities to the Instructional Quality and Job Satisfaction

Volume: 149  ,  Issue: 1 , May    Published Date: 20 May 2024
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 212  ,  Download: 201 , Pages: 224 - 240    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001491520246517


# Author Name
1 Ivy Cagas De Robles


The study investigated the School Heads Professional Advancement Priorities to the Instructional Quality and Job Satisfaction in the Bay Sub-Office and Los Baños Sub-Office of Laguna. Specifically, this determined the level of Principals professional advancement priorities regarding leading strategically, managing school operations and resources, focusing on teaching and learning, developing self and others, and building connections determine the level of teachers instructional quality concerning content knowledge and pedagogy, learning environment, diversity of learners, curriculum and planning, and assessment and reporting determine the level of teachers job satisfaction concerning work policies and practices, technical supervision, human relations supervision, ability utilization, and working conditions determine the significant relationship between the level of Principals Professional Advancement Priorities to teachers instructional quality and job satisfaction. The descriptive-correlational research design and 5-point Likert scale research-made questionnaire were used to assess the data gathered from 200 public elementary teachers in 20 schools from District of Bay and Los Baños, Laguna using Guildford Rule of Thumb to determine the relationship. Principals professional advancement priorities were all highly observable regarding the instructional quality of 200 teachers and an observable job satisfaction except a highly observable job satisfaction in ability utilization. There was a significant relationship between principals professional advancement priorities, teachers instructional quality and job satisfaction, thus both hypotheses were rejected. It was recommended that necessary departments conduct trainings to support continuous advancement of principals and teachers, perform Employee Satisfaction Index, and strengthen the Adopt-A-School program.


  • Professional Advancement
  • Job Satisfaction;
  • Learning environment