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Effects of Artificial Intelligences on the Reading and Speaking Skills of the Grade 11 Shs Learners

Volume: 149  ,  Issue: 1 , May    Published Date: 20 May 2024
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 218  ,  Download: 259 , Pages: 204 - 223    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001491520246516


# Author Name
1 Geordel Marie Libao-Sacluti


The study aimed to determine the effectiveness of artificial intelligence on the reading and speaking skills of the select senior high school learners at Laguna Senior High School in Santa Cruz, Laguna, during the Academic Year 2023-2024. To investigate the effectiveness the researcher anchors the study based on the following research objectives: first, determine the respondents level of Artificial and Automated Intelligence which include the usage of content, grammar, and organization second, identify the level of their speaking skills third, identify the level of their reading skills related to fluency, accuracy, comprehension, and vocabulary fourth, identify the significant effect of assisted and automated intelligence on speaking skills of the respondents fifth, identify the significant effect of assisted and automated intelligence on reading skills of the respondents lastly, identify the extent of use of Assisted intelligence and Automated intelligence usage significant predictors of reading and speaking skills It employed a quasi-experimental design and convenient sampling techniques. It involved 106 senior high school students of LSHS.  A combination of cumulative activities and a survey questionnaire were used as the main instrument. The data were treated using statistical treatments: Mean, Standard Deviation, and Multiple Regression Analysis. According to the findings, there are significant effects of Content Assisted Intelligence in enhancing speaking skills in terms of Articulation and Organization Assisted Intelligence in terms of Pronunciation. There are also significant effects of Content, Grammar, and Organization Automated Intelligence in improving speaking skills in terms of Articulation. As well, it also implies that incorporating Content Assisted Intelligence can improve Articulation which pertains to fluidity, fluency, and voice quality while Organization Assisted Intelligence improves pronunciation. Also, Automated Intelligence enriches articulation. Hence, teachers and learners can utilize Artificial Intelligence to produce and articulate sounds, as well as gain familiarity with stress and intonation patterns. Furthermore, the researcher also found out that there are significant effects of the grammar and organization of Assisted Intelligence in enhancing reading skills in terms of Accuracy and Comprehension Assisted Intelligence in terms of Content. Moreover, Grammar Automated Intelligence has significant effects on reading skills in terms of Fluency and Accuracy. In addition, it is also sought that the Grammar whether Assisted Intelligence or Automated Intelligence indicates improvement in reading skills specifically to accuracy and fluency solely in automated intelligence. It also signifies that Comprehension is improved with the use of Content Assisted Intelligence. The DepEd administration can provide training and intervention programs so that the teachers and the learners will be equipped with the expected skills outcome promoted in DepEd order no. 35 s. 2016.  By integrating AI technologies effectively, educators may boost language learning outcomes and acquire the necessary communication skills as promoted in the K-12 Program of the DepEd to be globally equipped.


  • vocabulary
  • reading skills
  • intelligence