Volume: 147 , Issue: 1 , April Published Date: 25 April 2024
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 440 , Download: 284 , Pages: 318 - 334
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001471420246311
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 440 , Download: 284 , Pages: 318 - 334
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001471420246311
# | Author Name |
1 | Shailac N. Rodelas |
2 | Nemia C. Puse |
This study was conducted to identify the Transdisciplinary Leadership in Modelling Curriculum Innovation and Reform exemplified among Junior High School Master Teachers of Secondary Mega Schools in Camarines Norte. Specifically, it has given answers to the following questions: 1. What transdisciplinary leadership attributes are being practiced by the respondents along with a. Communication b. Planning c. Problem-Solving d. Decision-Making and e. Ethics and Values. 2.) What transdisciplinary leadership actions of the respondents could be associated in curriculum innovation and reform along with a. Educational Goals b. Alignment with Standards and c. Sustainability. 3. Is there a significant relationship between transdisciplinary leadership and curriculum innovation and reform? 4. What transdisciplinary leadership model may be proposed for effective curriculum innovation and reform? This study was delimited in the twelve Public Mega Secondary Schools in Camarines Norte among the Junior High School Master Teachers designated in different curriculum learning areas of these targeted schools due to the fact that they have the roles of educational leaders in terms of curriculum development and improvement in their own schools. Furthermore, the researcher utilized a descriptive-correlational research method and used the total enumeration sampling technique with 107 respondents that gave further examination of the entire population of the targeted Junior High School Master Teachers of the Mega Public Secondary Schools in Camarines Norte. Based on the data gathered, the findings of the study are as follows: 1) The transdisciplinary leadership attributes of the Junior High School Master Teachers of the Mega Secondary Schools along with Communication, Planning, Problem- Solving, Decision Making and Ethics and Values were rated as Extensively Practiced with an average weighted mean of 4.33, 4.27, 4.34, 4.18 and 4.52. 2.The transdisciplinary leadership actions of the Junior High School Master Teachers of the Mega Secondary Schools along with Educational Goals, Alignment with Standards and Sustainability were rated as Highly Associated with an average weighted mean of 4.37, 4.37 and 4.22. 3. The test for significant relationship that may exist between transdisciplinary leadership along communication, planning, problem solving, decision-making and ethics and values and the curriculum innovation and reform in terms of educational goals, alignment of standards and sustainability were tested using the Pearson Product Moment Correlation. The results have shown that significant relationship exists between transdisciplinary leadership and curriculum innovation and reform except for the variables ethics and values as against educational goals, alignment with standards and sustainability. 4. The proposed model of the researchers was designed to prevail the continuity and improve the transdisciplinary leadership of the Junior High School Master Teachers of the Secondary Schools in Camarines Norte for a more effective curriculum innovation and reform. After a thorough analysis of the data gathered in the study, the following were the recommendations: 1. The application of attributes on communication, planning, problem solving, decision making and ethics and values is recommended to continuously be applied by the Master Teachers as these are essential transdisciplinary attributes for curriculum innovation and reform. 2. The transdisciplinary leadership practices along with Educational Goals, Alignment with Standards and Sustainability are recommended to continuously be applied by the Master Teachers as these are essential for an effective curriculum innovation and reform. 3.Despite the result that there is insignificant relationship between Ethics and Values as a Transdisciplinary Leadership Attribute, it is recommended that significance of ethics and values in transdisciplinary leadership be well- maintained for the purpose of ensuring that leaders partake a strong ethical foundation and sustain morals promoting sustainability and ethical decisions leading to the researchers second recommendation that ethics and values education be integrated into Master Teachers curriculum leadership workshops and training programs. The all-inclusive and effective method towards curriculum innovation and reform promoting sustainability and ethical practices within the organization can be established by the Master Teachers along with the subordinate teachers by integrating ethics and values alongside effective communication and alignment with standards. 4. As the curriculum leaders, the Master Teachers may apply and use the proposed model as a guide to sustain, continue, strengthen and improve their transdisciplinary leadership attributes and transdisciplinary leadership practices in curriculum innovation and reform specifically that the Department of Education is now gradually transitioning to a new curriculum again. 5. The future researchers may need further study since the scope of the research done is only limited to transdisciplinary leadership and practices of Master Teachers in the Division of Camarines Norte. They may conduct an in-depth study of level of effectiveness and also its advantages and not only the attributes and association of transdisciplinary leadership practices to curriculum innovation and reform.