Volume: 147 , Issue: 1 , April Published Date: 23 April 2024
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 235 , Download: 234 , Pages: 170 - 198
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001471420246332
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 235 , Download: 234 , Pages: 170 - 198
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001471420246332
# | Author Name |
The main purpose of this study was to determine if the teachers performance and the delivery of services significantly predict the learning development of Grade VI students in the new normal system. The researcher employed the quantitative non-experimental design using causal effect technique with Regression Analysis. The total sample size of the study was 300 Grade VI students. Respondents were students from selected public elementary schools in Tagum City Division for the school year 2021-2022. Data analysis included Average Weighted Mean, Pearson-r, and Multiple Regression Analysis as statistical tools. The final analysis revealed that the level of teachers performance is high, while the level of the delivery of services is moderate, and the level of learning development is also high. Moreover, it was also found that there is a significant relationship between teachers performance and learning development as well as between delivery of services and learning development among the respondents. Aside from that, it was also revealed that under teachers performance, only two indicators – communication and curriculum instruction – can significantly predict learning development. Under delivery of services, both online learning and modular learning can significantly predict learning development among the respondents. Based on the findings, it has been recommended to prioritize the development of effective feedback strategies, to provide clear guidelines, resources, and a support system for students engaging in online courses, and to foster a positive and inclusive classroom environment where all students contributions are acknowledged and celebrated.