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Adversity encountered by TLE teachers during blended learning using explicit instruction approach: Basis for teachers’ capacity training

Volume: 146  ,  Issue: 1 , April    Published Date: 01 April 2024
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 448  ,  Download: 547 , Pages: 102 - 121    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001461420246239


# Author Name
1 Mark Stephen A. Ravelas
2 Angeline N. Graida
3 Eunice V. Hernandez
4 Stephanie A. Mole
5 Mary Grace Platilla
6 Patricia Denil B. Rebong 
7 Sherilyn L. Tabije


Technology and Livelihood Education is a skill-based subject in which the teacher must expose the students to real-world, hands-on, and realistic teaching learning experiences. However, teachers encountered challenges in teaching TLE during blended learning.  The study investigated the challenges encountered by the TLE teachers during blended learning in using explicit instruction approach. This study utilized quantitative research design to determine the challenges encountered by grade six TLE teachers during blended learning in selected schools in District of Laguna. This study was carried out by fifty (50) grade six TLE teachers, and sampling procedure, survey instruments and statistical computations were applied. The result of the study showed a weak correlation between the academic performance of the students in the first grading period and the second grading period after grade six T. L.E. teachers encountered challenges during blended learning using explicit instruction approach. This result indicates that teachers are effective despite the constraints posed by blended learning, and that there may be additional factors influencing academic performance of the students than the challenges stated.


  • Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE)
  • Explicit Instruction Approach
  • Student’s Academic Performance