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Banning of female education and their psychological issues (mental illness): A study of female students in Nangarhar, Afghanistan.

Volume: 143  ,  Issue: 1 , February    Published Date: 19 February 2024
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 255  ,  Download: 238 , Pages: 15 - 35    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001431220246094


# Author Name
1 Nasratullah Obaid
2 Parkh


The Quran clearly states the importance of education. As the Quran asks, those who know and those who do not know are equal. The Quran states that admonition is given to those who possess wisdom. Prophet Muhammad (ص) states, Every Muslim, male and female, is requested to seek knowledge. Prophet Muhammad (ص) has said a lot to support womens rights. Afghanistan, despite being an Islamic society that guarantees equal rights for men and women, is still struggling for protection of womens rights due to a lack of education, economic backwardness, and dependence of women on men, centuries-old social taboos, prejudices against women, and the absence of opportunities for their steady advancement. The current study aimed to see whether banning female education can affect their psychological issues or whether it can affect their mental health. Data was obtained from Economics faculty students, Medical faculty students, Law faculty students, Computer Science faculty students, Engineering faculty students and English Literature faculty students in Nangarhar, Afghanistan. SPSS was used for descriptive analysis. Dimensions for mental illnesses are feeling sad, confused thinking, excessive (fears, worries, feeling of guilt), mood changes, withdrawal from friends (tiredness, low energy, or problems sleeping), detachment from reality, inability to cope with daily problems or stress, trouble understanding situations and people, problem with drug use, changes in eating habits, excessive anger, hostility, or violence, suicidal thinking (stomach pain, back pain, headaches), unhappiness, family conflicts, relationship difficulties, social isolation, problem with tobacco, homicide, weakened immune system. Data for the study were collected from both school female students and university female students from the private and government sectors through the survey method, and we used a structured questionnaire structure that consists of the respondents specifications, university specifications, faculty, year and semester of the respondents, and then 25 questions regarding the research topic. Data for the study were collected from 150 respondents. Finally, the study indicates that in general, the independent variable of the study has a detrimental and negative effect on the dependent variable of the study, but some dimensions, such as using drugs, misbehaving, suicide, and using tobacco, have no or a low relationship with the banning of their education.


  • Banning of female education
  • School and university students
  • psychological issues
  • Nangarhar
  • Afghanistan