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Teachers’ Perceptions towards Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) Strategy and the Effects on the Achievement of Students with Autism in Learning Communication Skills

Volume: 139  ,  Issue: 1 , December    Published Date: 28 December 2023
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 552  ,  Download: 447 , Pages: 280 - 295    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP10013911220235780


# Author Name
1 April Dream Abono
2 Wenefredo E. Cagape
3 Catherine L. Rubillar
4 Maria Riena D. Saturos
5 Jineth D. Taniongon
6 Rosie Lyn G. Tuba


Communication is one very important skill every human should acquire. It is important because as social beings we use it to connect to the people around us as well as our environment. However, communication is a great challenge to people who have a cognitive communication disorder like those with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Hence there are many strategies already developed to help those in the spectrum learn how to communicate. One of these is the Picture Exchange Communication System or PECS. Since the implementation of Inclusive Education worldwide PECS is also one of the strategies teachers use to effectively teach communication to children with autism. This study aims to determine the Teachers perceptions of the Picture Exchange Communication System strategy and the effects on the achievement of students with autism in learning communication skills in two Schools in Davao City. The study utilizes the descriptive-predictive research design with fifty (50) public school teachers as respondents using purposive sampling.  A researcher-made questionnaire was utilized to gather data on teachers perceptions of PECS and its perceived effectiveness. Through regression analysis, the study revealed that teachers have high favor in the use of visual support like PECS, in enhancing communication skills in students with autism. The findings highlight the effectiveness of gradual communication development, visual aids, and illustrations in articulating needs and desires. Additionally, the study emphasizes the positive influence of PECS on initiating communication and fostering social interaction among students with autism. With that, it is highly recommended that the higher officials of the Department of Education organize proper teacher training to effectively use PECS to be able to maximize its full potential in developing communication skills for learners with autism. Also recommendations include early integration of visual supports, emphasizing visual aids and illustrations, promoting gradual communication development, and focusing on initiative and social interaction. The study contributes valuable insights to the field of special education, providing a foundation for informed pedagogical practices and targeted interventions to optimize communication outcomes for students with autism.


  • Autism
  • Picture Exchange Communication System
  • Sped Teachers
  • Inclusive Education