Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 581 , Download: 367 , Pages: 246 - 263
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP10013911220235776
# | Author Name |
1 | Kercy May B. Filipino |
2 | Honey Rose Ladylee M. Dela Cruz |
3 | Jullie Marie C. Lugong |
4 | Jonelyn P. Mission |
5 | Arah R. Rosel |
6 | Wenefredo E. Cagape |
This research aims to investigate the impact of parental education programs on the acceptance levels of learners with disabilities in mainstream schools. It is driven by the belief that parental involvement is crucial for the development of learners with disabilities and for cultivating a culture of acceptance within the broader educational community. The study will investigate the dynamics of parental involvement and the acceptance levels exhibited by parents towards learners with disabilities, providing insights for educators, policymakers, and stakeholders involved in creating inclusive learning environments. The research will focus on the interdependence of parental education programs and the placement of learners with disabilities in mainstream classrooms. Scholars like Zanobini (2018) emphasize the importance of full inclusion and collaborative partnerships between educators, parents, and students. Kouroshnia (2014) emphasizes the role of family support systems in creating a nurturing environment for learners with disabilities. The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) also places a legal and ethical responsibility on states to ensure the inclusion and participation of individuals with disabilities in all aspects of society, including education. The research will use Joyce Epsteins Framework of Six Types of Involvement to provide a comprehensive understanding of the effectiveness of parental education initiatives in fostering greater acceptance of students with disabilities within mainstream educational settings. This framework includes parenting, communication, volunteering, learning at home, decision-making, and collaborating with the community. The study will answer questions about the level of acceptance for learners with disabilities in terms of participation in inclusive activities, inclusive language use, and parental attitudes. By examining existing literature, conducting empirical research, and engaging with relevant stakeholders, the study provided valuable insights into best practices for empowering parents and fostering an inclusive educational environment that benefits all students. The study has a positive result on level of parental acceptance for learners with disabilities and has a high impact in the field of educations inclusivity.