Publisher Name: IJRP
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# | Author Name |
1 | M Gusril Khalik |
2 | Diana Vivanti |
3 | Mieke Miarsyah |
Based on the theory and results of previous studies, stated that there is a very significant correlation between self efficacy and self esteem with learning outcomes. Research has been carried out in various sample characteristics, including students, high school students, middle school students. Therefore, this study aims to examine whether there is a relationship between self efficacy and self esteem with the biology learning outcomes of high school students of class XI. Sampling was done by purposive sampling technique, the number of respondents in this study were 97 students. This research uses four research instruments consisting of student biology learning outcomes instruments consisting of two tests on different material, self efficacy instruments and self esteem. Hypothesis testing uses multiple regression techniques, obtained by the correlation coefficient of 0.314, with Fcount of 5.154 greater than Ftable = 4.838 at the significance level α = 0.01, then the correlation coefficient is very significant. Based on the multiple correlation coefficient value of 0.314, it means that the closeness of the relationship between self efficacy and self esteem together with the learning outcomes is still relatively low. Based on the coefficient of determination between self efficacy and self esteem together with learning outcomes is 0.099. This means that learning outcomes are affected by 9.90% by self-efficacy and self-esteem factors.