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Profile, Emotional Intelligence and School Performance of Supreme Student Government (SSG) Officers in Cluster Four Division of Laguna

Volume: 136  ,  Issue: 1 , November    Published Date: 08 November 2023
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 1295  ,  Download: 1256 , Pages: 91 - 135    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP10013611120235641


# Author Name
1 Cleopatra M. Tobias


The creation of the Supreme Student Government (SSG) organization in the secondary basic education served as training ground for the learners to be an effective and efficient future leader someday. The study is conducted to determine the impact of Supreme Student Government (SSG) officers profile and emotional intelligence through their school performance such as their academic performance, awards and recognition, and leadership style. The population sampling was applied. SSG officers were the respondents of this study from seven schools in Cluster IV, Division of Laguna. The data gathering was done personally by the researcher using a survey questionnaire. The null hypothesis stating that there is no significant effect between the Supreme Student Government (SSG) officers profiles and school performance in terms of academic performance is partially accepted or sustained based on the statistical data gathered during the study taking into consideration that significant effect is reflected. The null hypothesis stating that there is no significant effect between the Supreme Student Government (SSG) officers profiles and school performance in terms of leadership styles is partially accepted or sustained based on the statistical data gathered during the study taking into consideration that significant effect is reflected. The null hypothesis stating that there is no significant relationship between the Supreme Student Government (SSG) officers emotional intelligence and school performance in terms of academic performance is accepted based on the statistical data gathered during the study taking into consideration that significant relationship is not reflected. The null hypothesis stating that there is no significant relationship between the Supreme Student Government (SSG) officers emotional intelligence and school performance in terms of leadership styles is partially accepted or sustained based on the statistical data gathered during the study taking into consideration that significant relationship is reflected. The null hypothesis stating that there is no significant effect between the Supreme Student Government (SSG) officers profiles and school performance in terms of awards/recognitions is partially accepted or sustained based on the statistical data gathered during the study taking into consideration that significant effect is reflected. On the other hand, the null hypothesis stating that there is no significant effect between the Supreme Student Government (SSG) officers emotional intelligence, and school performance in terms of awards/recognitions is accepted based on the statistical data gathered during the study taking into consideration that significant effect is not reflected. Further studies about the variables used may be undertaken to be able to enhance the present studies.


  • supreme student government
  • emotional intelligence
  • academic performance
  • leadership style
  • profile