Volume: 131 , Issue: 1 , August Published Date: 17 August 2023
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 280 , Download: 410 , Pages: 30 - 37
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001311820235383
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 280 , Download: 410 , Pages: 30 - 37
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001311820235383
# | Author Name |
1 | Marie B. Yanga |
2 | DR. FE F. FAUNDO |
Dr. Yangas Colleges, Inc. is a well-known private institution within the province of Bulacan. It thrusts to provide mechanisms that will increase the participation rate from basic education to higher education department from different socio-economic classes. The vision of the school leader to serve the community by having a school for the poor, deserving students must be given a chance to acquire good education. Under the transformational leadership, the school promotes rationalized access for more opportunities to deserving members of the community which is perennial to economic consideration of the family and its community. The number of enrollees is not huge but comparing the increase of population to other competitors in Bulacan, it is already a victory This study tried to identify budgetary outlay on the allocation and actual expenses occurred showed a great deficit, however, to sustain the number of scholars in DYCI, a revised scholarship program policy was developed to sustain the scholarship program base on the respondents assessment on legacy, industry, community, truth, wisdom, and charity to avoid the schools operation at risk. The revision of the scholarship program was the result of the recommendation of the deans, directors, staffs, parents, graduating students, and alumni honoring the legacy of the owner and it has been sustained in the new scholarship program recommendation for the school policy improvement.