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Job Satisfaction of Elementary Education Graduates: The Case of a Philippine State University

Volume: 129  ,  Issue: 1 , July    Published Date: 18 July 2023
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 451  ,  Download: 468 , Pages: 231 - 243    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001291720235269


# Author Name
1 Alma Sonia Q. Sanchez-Danday


When it comes to tackling the complicated nature and new difficulties of the 21st century, higher education is one of the most crucial elements. The investment in higher education is seen as wasted if graduates do not take up positions of prominence in society that generate sufficient revenue to sustain a government. This paper uncovered the job satisfaction of a state university graduates utilizing a descriptive survey and case study design. The data were gathered through a researcher-made survey questionnaire and interview protocol. The quantitative data were statistically treated and analyzed using percentages, mean, and frequency, while the qualitative data were analyzed using Braun and Clarkes thematic analysis. The research findings indicated that the BEED graduates are satisfied with their jobs with a grand mean score of 4.19. The qualitative data support the quantitative findings. The researcher recommends the inclusion of more BEED graduates to participate in the succeeding surveys.


  • job satisfaction; preservice elementary education; state university; case study; Philippines