Volume: 129 , Issue: 1 , July Published Date: 17 July 2023
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 355 , Download: 403 , Pages: 95 - 111
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001291720235254
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 355 , Download: 403 , Pages: 95 - 111
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001291720235254
# | Author Name |
The study employed experimental design focusing on the enhancement of vocabulary skills using Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) Approach through Kotobee app in teaching Literature. Moreover, the major purpose of the study is to enhance the vocabulary skills of the students. The respondents of the study are the students belong to the pilot implementation of Alternative Learning System (ALS) program. These students are the passers of A&E test (high school level) in Alternative Learning System (ALS) and the graduates of old Basic Education Curriculum. Based on their Pre-test in different English subjects, it was found that 10 or 30% of the students obtained satisfactory grade and 20 or 70% of the students obtained fairly grade. In gathering the necessary data, the researcher used two-group pre-test and post-test research instrument to assess the vocabulary skills of the students. Based on the findings, the pre-test scores of the control group and experimental group showed that they found it difficult to distinguish the meaning of the vocabulary words. Furthermore, the factors that affect the performance of both groups are the gap year of the students, exposure to the language, and the intervention was not implemented. In addition, the post-test scores of the control group on the post-assessment decreases compared to their pre-test scores. The observed reason was absenteeism due to work and family responsibilities. While the post-test scores of the experimental group improved after the implementation of MALL approach except for prefix due to lack of basic digital skills. As a result, the students were challenged on how to navigate the application. There is no significant difference in the pre-test and post-test of the respondents vocabulary skills under control group. Whereas, there is a significant difference on the pre-test and post-test scores of the respondents vocabulary skills except in synonym under experimental group. There is a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test scores of the students who were taught under experimental and control groups.