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Volume: 126  ,  Issue: 1 , June    Published Date: 07 April 2024
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 288  ,  Download: 270 , Pages: 629 - 642    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001261620225026


# Author Name
1 Ronnel C. Palasin


This study aimed to determine the relationship of game-based platforms in students motivation in learning 21st Century Literature. Specifically, the study sought to answer the following questions: What is the level of students game-based platform usage through: Game Mechanics Game Dynamics and Game Aesthetics? , What is the level of students motivation in terms of: Self-interest Self-determination and Learning focus? Is there a significant relationship on using game-based platforms between the students motivation in learning 21st Century Literature? The study used a descriptive method to gather the necessary data and reliable sources on gamified learning its relationship in students motivation in learning 21st century literature. The main source data of this study is the survey questionnaire which prepared by the researcher and statistically treated using mean and standard deviation were used to get the level of the game-based platforms in students motivation in Learning 21st Century, the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient was used to determining the significant relationship of game-based platforms in students motivation and performance in Learning 21st Century. Based on the gathered data, the findings of this study were the following. The respondents reaction on the level of Game-based learning platforms and Students motivation were “Highly Effective”. It proves that Game-based learning platforms has significant relationship in Grade 12 students motivation in learning 21st Century Literature in Liceo de San Pablo,                    Therefore, the null hypothesis, “Game-based learning platforms have no significant relationship in students motivation in Learning 21st Century was rejected.                 In view of the findings and conclusions of the study, the researcher recommends that the teachers may engage students in game-based learning activities to enhance and inspire students to think critically and to give a chance to collaborate, compete, and actively participate in their learning process. The study to be proposed to school administrators to conduct School administrators may conduct webinars and training workshops on the usage of game-based learning systems, which could improve teachers abilities to utilize learning resources. Consider the benefits of incorporating various teaching strategies into the School Improvement Plan (SIP) in order to increase student motivation and performance.


  • self-determination