Volume: 126 , Issue: 1 , June Published Date: 10 June 2023
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 500 , Download: 409 , Pages: 528 - 543
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001261620224988
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 500 , Download: 409 , Pages: 528 - 543
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001261620224988
# | Author Name |
This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of Revised SQ3R Reading Comprehension Strategy to the Performance in English of Grade 7 Students. Specifically, it sought to answers the following questions: (1) what is the level of effectivity using Revised SQ3R of the respondents in terms of: learners engagement, self-regulation, self-assessment and mastery (2) What is the level reading comprehension of respondents in terms of identifying maid idea, sequencing, identifying unfamiliar words, making inferences and answering questions (3) What is the level of the performance in English of students in pre-test and post-test (4) Is there a significant difference in respondents pre-test and post-test (5) Does Revised SQ3R significantly affect students performance in English and (6) Does Reading Comprehension have significant effect on students performance in English. The descriptive method was utilized to be able to gather data using a validated questionnaire. After the distribution and retrieval of the questionnaires, the data gathered was tabulated, and analyzed for data processing. The following are significant findings of the study: It was then found out that the level of effectiveness Revised SQ3R in terms of learners engagement (M=4.86), self-regulation (M=4.73) self-assessment (M=4.71) and mastery (M=4.68) While the pretest level of comprehension in terms of identifying main idea is (M=2.03). While in the level of post-test (M=3.84) is The pretest level of comprehension in terms of sequencing (M=3.42). While in the level of post-test (M=4.22) The pretest level of comprehension in terms of identifying unfamiliar words (M=2.64) While in the level of post-test (M=3.83). The pretest level of comprehension in terms of making inferences (M=2.27). While in the level of post-test (M=3.59). Lastly, the pre-test level of comprehension in terms of identifying answering questions is (M=1.84). While in the level of post-test (M=3.45). The significant effect between the Comprehension Strategies and Reading Comprehension in terms of Post Test is at 0.05 level of significance, the null hypothesis “There is no Significant Effect of Language Skills Acquisition on the Reading Comprehension and Performance in English Core Subject in terms of Reading and Writing is partially accepted. The results obtained in this research led to the realization of the following conclusion: (1) Students require a reading strategy in any form to increase their reading comprehension. The kind of reading strategy given, whether using Revised SQ3R will guide them as they enhance their reading comprehension and students reading comprehension is better when the Revised SQ3R is used as a reading strategy. It encourages the students to be more organized in understanding their reading and (2) Based on the presentation of the results of the research and discussion, it can be concluded that the implementation of the Revised SQ3R strategy can improve students reading comprehension skills in identifying main idea, sequencing, identifying unfamiliar words, making inferences, and answering questions. Therefore, the hypothesis that there is no significant effect between Revised SQ3R Strategy and students performance in English is rejected. This study recommended that comprehension strategies have been noted to develop reading skills effectively when appropriately used with well-identified students. It is highly suggested that the strategies be used and tried to develop other skills.