Volume: 126 , Issue: 1 , June Published Date: 09 June 2023
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 539 , Download: 1010 , Pages: 332 - 346
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001261620224975
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 539 , Download: 1010 , Pages: 332 - 346
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001261620224975
# | Author Name |
1 | Bituin E. Hermoso |
2 | Azel M. Valle |
Reading is a gateway to learning anything about everything. The study aimed to determine the reading motivation and pupils reading strategies in relation to their reading performance. Specifically, the study sought to answer the level of reading motivation of the pupils in terms of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, the level of reading strategies of the pupils in terms of problem-solving strategy, support strategy and global reading strategy, the reading performance based on the PHIL-IRI Assessment and the significant relationship between the reading performance and the level of reading motivation and reading strategies of the pupils. The study utilized the descriptive-correlational research design and used a questionnaire was modified and adapted from the work of Zhang and Zheng (2021) and the PHIL-IRI result of selected Grade 5 pupils. The pupils were both intrinsically and extrinsically motivated to read. They read because of their curiosity and the satisfaction or enjoyment and the recognition they can get from reading. The pupils used all the strategies in reading to understand the text they read. Based on the findings and conclusions, the following recommendations are prescribed: The teacher may select reading materials interesting and enjoyable to pupils so that their interest can be sustained and would be able to understand the text that they read If possible, the teacher may use activity-based or technology-driven approaches to sustain the enthusiasm and interest of the pupils to read The teacher may implement an intervention program to pupils who are at the frustration and instructional levels for them to be at the independent level.