Volume: 126 , Issue: 1 , June Published Date: 09 June 2023
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 413 , Download: 701 , Pages: 277 - 284
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001261620225018
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 413 , Download: 701 , Pages: 277 - 284
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001261620225018
# | Author Name |
1 | Chrisafe Cyril N. Daga |
Part of every institution is its set of vision and mission which serve as blueprint in designing experiences for learners. Students are to help the university achieve these by fulfilling the tasks expected of them. This will be possible if they fully understand the vision and mission and the expectancies they imply. This study was determined to identify how the teacher education students of a university understand its vision and mission and what they are doing to help the university fulfil them. This phenomenological study, anchored on Path-Goal Theory, employed individual interviews and focus group discussion to gather data which was analysed using Collazi method. The information gathered will serve as springboard in proposing more activities to intensify the dissemination of the vision and mission and the conduct of relevant activities for students.