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Teaching Multisensory Approach to Child with Intellectual Disability: A Case Study

Volume: 126  ,  Issue: 1 , June    Published Date: 09 June 2023
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 547  ,  Download: 794 , Pages: 257 - 266    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001261620225020


# Author Name
1 Meriam Gladys T. Cuajao
2 Emary Omani
3 Wenefredo E. Cagape; EdD, PhD
4 Lizly Aguillon
5 Jerrelyn Lean Eway


For learners with severe and multiple impairments, such as intellectual disabilities, learning to read offers substantial problems. The emphasis of teaching these learners was on teaching sight words. The study aims to evaluate multi-sensory approaches in phonics-based learning for learners with Intellectual Disabilities by describing the teachers experiences using the method.  The researchers chose the learners teacher and family member from Villa Kananga Integrated School in Butuan City to be the study participants. Open-ended interview questions were prepared, checked by the research Advisor and validated by a language expert. The researchers used a thematic analysis method to examine the data, look for patterns and generate themes on the experiences in teaching letter sound utilizing the approach. The researchers gathered data to describe the experiences in teaching using a multi-sensory approach showing the process and its impact towards participants.  The data showed that teaching through a multi-sensory approach in one on one basis is efficient in teaching Children with Intellectual disabilities. Moreover, understanding a persons sensory processing capacity is a crucial first step to maximizing the benefits of the Intervention.


  • Intellectual Disability; Multi-sensory Approach; Case study