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Computer Competency and Leadership Skills of School Leaders to the School Improvement

Volume: 124  ,  Issue: 1 , May    Published Date: 13 May 2023
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 428  ,  Download: 339 , Pages: 1357 - 1367    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001241520234966


# Author Name
1 Jhomar Lyn S. Rosare


The development of school education programs and school improvement is the responsibility and of school leaders, who are also held accountable for doing so. DepEd Order no. 44 s.2015 known as the Guidelines on Enhanced School Improvement Plan (SIP) and the School Report Card (SRC) was implemented to guide school leaders on creating systematic approach interventions for the schools’ continuous improvement to provide access to quality education. School report card shows data of the school’s improvement. This study investigated the relationship of school leaders’ leadership skills and their computer competency to the school improvement in the Division of Laguna. Based on the findings and procedures, it was revealed that the school leaders’ computer competency in terms of technology operation and concept, ICT social and ethical skills and ICT professional skills were rated as highly competent. The overall mean of leadership skills terms of cognitive skills, interpersonal skills, technical skills, flexibility skills, employee motivation, conflict management, innovation and creativity, critical thinking, decision making were also rated as highly skilled. And school improvement with regards to instructional delivery, teacher effectiveness, school resources, monitoring plan, needs assessment were all rated as very high. School leaders computer competency and leadership skills were found no significant relationship to school improvement in the in the Division of Laguna.


  • school improvement
  • computer competenncy
  • leadership skills