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Popular Culture and Cultural Diversity Using Developmental Method of Intercultural Sensitivity

Volume: 123  ,  Issue: 1 , April    Published Date: 30 April 2023
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 454  ,  Download: 383 , Pages: 660 - 672    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001231420234811


# Author Name
1 Kristelyn M. Cubacob I


This thesis entitled, “Popular culture and Cultural Diversity using Developmental Method of Intercultural Sensitivity” sought to answer the following questions: What is the extent of students popular culture in terms of fashion, food, language, music, and social media? 2. What is the level of students undertaking of cultural diversity in terms of Ethnocentric stage as to denial, defense and minimization? Ethnorelative stage as to acceptance, adaptation and integration? 3. Is there any significant relationship between popular culture and cultural diversity using Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity as to ethnocentric stage? 4. Is there any significant relationship between popular culture and cultural diversity using Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity as to ethnorelative stage? A descriptive method is used in the study to determine the level of students acceptance of popular culture in cultural diversity using developmental method of intercultural sensitivity. The primary respindents of this study were the Senior high school learners of Laguna University Senior High School. The total population was 1033, and 289 learners served as the respondents of the study. The level of undertaking of students of popular culture in cultural diversity using Developmental Method of Intercultural Sensitivity as to Ethnocentric Stage, specifically, Fashion & Denial, Fashion & Defense, Language & Defense, Music & Defense, Social-Media & Defense, Food & Minimization, Language & Minimization, Music & Minimization and Social-media & Minimization showed a significant relationship. On the hand, Food & Denial, Language & denial, Music and Denial, Social Media and Denial, Food and Defense, Fashion and Minimization did not show a significant relationship. It can be inferred that 0.05 level of significance, the null hypothesis “There is no significant relationship between popular culture and cultural diversity using Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity as to Ethnocentric Stage” is partially rejected. The level of undertaking of students in popular culture in cultural diversity using Developmental Method of Intercultural Sensitivity as to Ethnorelative Stage, specifically Fashion, Food, Language, Music and Social Media was observed to have a significant relationship to the Cultural Diversity in terms of Ethnocentric stage as to Acceptance, Adaptation and Integration. On the other hand, Fashion & Food, and Food & Acceptance of the respondents did not show a significant relationship. It can be inferred that 0.05 level of significance, the null hypothesis “There is no significant relationship between popular culture and cultural diversity using Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity as to Ethnorelative Stage” is partially rejected. This recommends that the teachers may promote cultural diversity and encourage students towards the Ethnorelative Stage of DMIS by incorporating lessons and activities that value acceptance, adaptation, and integration.


  • cultural diversity
  • ethnorelative stage
  • ethnocentric stage
  • intercultural sensitivity
  • Popular culture