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Volume: 124  ,  Issue: 1 , May    Published Date: 08 May 2023
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 422  ,  Download: 392 , Pages: 1142 - 1156    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001241520234940


# Author Name


This study aimed to determine the relationship between Communicative Activities and the linguistic environment as Correlates to the Development of Students Speaking Skills. Specifically, it sought to answers the following questions: (1) what is the level of Communicative activities in terms of: oral presentations, dialogues and role playing (2) what is the level of linguistic environment in terms of: peers, exposure to language and exposure to print materials (3) What is the level of the speaking skills in terms of: pronunciation vocabulary and intonation (4) is there a significant relationship between Communicative activities and Speaking Skills? and (5) is there a significant relationship between Linguistic Environment and Speaking Skills? The descriptive method was utilized to be able to gather data using a validated questionnaire. After the distribution and retrieval of the questionnaires, the data gathered was tabulated, and analyzed for data processing. The following are significant findings of the study: It was then found out that the level of Communicative activities in terms of oral presentations (M=4.18), dialogues (M=4.08), and role playing (M=4.13) all accounts to be highly proficient. While the level of linguistic environment in terms of peers (M=4.30) was found to be very highly proficient, exposure to language (M=4.09), and exposure to print materials (M=4.11) both accounts to be highly proficient. As for the level of speaking skills refers to Pronunciation (M=3.91), Vocabulary (M=3.98) and Intonation (M=3.98). A significant relationship between Communicative activities and Speaking Skills which predicts significantly as manifested by lower probability values in its indicator at 0.05 level of significance. Further, the positive values for r indicates direct relationship. A significant relationship was also obtained between Linguistic Environment and Speaking Skills in terms of Exposure to Language, Exposure to Print Materials which predicts significantly as manifested by lower probability values in its indicator at 0.05 level of significance. Further, the positive values for r indicates direct relationship. In terms of peers it predicts not significantly as manifested by higher probability values in its indicator at 0.05 level of significance. The results obtained in this research led to the realization of the following conclusion: (1) Communicative activities is effective in developing the speaking skills of the students in terms of Vocabulary, pronunciation and intonation. Thus, the hypothesis stating that there is no significant relationship between Communicative activities and Speaking Skills is rejected and (2) Linguistic Environment in terms of Exposure to Language and Exposure to Print Materials which predicts significantly. Thus, the hypothesis stating that there is no significant relationship between Linguistic Environment and Speaking Skills partially accepted. This study recommended that Communicative activities and linguistic environment have been noted to develop the speaking skills effectively when appropriately used with well-identified students. It is highly suggested that the strategies be used and tried to develop other skills.


  • vocabulary
  • pronunciation
  • peer