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Educational Leaders’ Management Skills, Leadership Behavior And Organizational Commitment

Volume: 124  ,  Issue: 1 , May    Published Date: 04 May 2023
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 425  ,  Download: 439 , Pages: 95 - 104    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001241520234837


# Author Name


 A schools administrator is primarily responsible for maximizing the performance of the teachers who play a key role in the teaching-learning process, among other things. This study wanted to determine the Educational Leaders Management Skills, Leadership Behavior and Organizational Commitment. Specifically, it sought to determine the relationship of educational leaders management skills as measured by technical, conceptual, interpersonal, and decision making and determine also the leadership behavior in terms of directive, supportive, participative, and achievement-oriented to the organizational commitment in terms of: achievement of goals, contribution to organization, motivation among teachers, and participation. The study was conducted in Elementary School in Majayjay Sub-Office, Division of Laguna during the School Year 2022-2023. The data and information were obtained by using questionnaires consisted of sixty (60) items that were answered by the selected teachers at Majayjay Sub-Office. The educational leaders management skills in terms of technical, conceptual, interpersonal, and decision making were remarked as Very High. Moreover, according to the Wallace Foundation (2017) educational leaders have to be (or become) leaders of learning who can develop a team delivering effective instruction.” Principals who are effective leaders practice five key actions particularly well: they shape a vision of academic success for all students, they create a climate hospitable to education, they cultivate leadership in others, they improve classroom instruction and they manage people, data and processes with the goal of school improvement. In addition, the educational leadership behavior in terms of directive, supportive, participative, and achievement-oriented were also remarked as Very High. Likewise, the educational leaders organizational commitment as measured by achievement of goals, contribution to organization, motivation among teachers, and participation were also remarked as Very High. The study revealed that the educational leaders management skills in terms of technical, conceptual, interpersonal, and decision making had significant relationship to their organizational commitment. Moreso, their leadership behavior in terms of directive, supportive, participative, and achievement-oriented also had a significant relationship with their organizational commitment. Therefore, the researcher further concludes the researchers null hypothesis that do the educational leaders “management skills” and “leadership behavior” had significant relationship to the “organizational commitment”, is rejected. In light of the conclusion drawn from the findings, the following recommendations are hereby offered: The educational leaders particularly the school principal may sustain their management skills that inspire to motivate teachers in doing their task and responsibilities without any worries yet create a positive working environment. The educational leaders may maintain win-win relationship among their subordinates and even the external stakeholders in the school community. Lastly, team work works, organizational commitment plays an important role in any organization endeavor. The school should maintain in creating a culture that is positive and enjoyable to work on.