Volume: 123 , Issue: 1 , April Published Date: 30 April 2023
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 414 , Download: 330 , Pages: 553 - 573
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001231420234726
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 414 , Download: 330 , Pages: 553 - 573
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001231420234726
# | Author Name |
This quantitative descriptive study aimed to determine the significant relationship between educational game application and behavior of grade 12 students and significant effect of educational game application to the performance of grade 12 students and to answer the research problems posed. It comprised the following to wit What is the level of educational game application with regards to: Objective, Content, Activities, and Assessment. What is the level of characteristic of educational games application on video lesson in cookery in cookery in terms of Sound, Visual, Functionality and Accessibility. What is the level of behavior in terms of Focus, Interest, and Positive reaction. What is the level of performance of the students in educational game application relatives to Practical Test, and Written test? Does the educational game application have significant relationship to the students behavior of G 12? Does the educational game application have significant effect to the students performance of G-12. On the other hand, descriptive method of research was utilized in this study. Questionnaire was formulated and given to one sixty (60) respondents, who were selected respondents as the Grade 12 students at Kapayapaan Integrated School. The researcher-made questionnaire is composed of three (3) parts: The video lesson, videon lesson characteristic and students performance. The findings revealed that the level video lesson in cookery was interpreted as high in terms of: objectives, content, activities, and assessment and very high in terms of video lesson characteristic. In terms of sound, visual, functionality and accessibility. As to the it was also interpreted as high. Moreover, the level of students performance in integration of educational game application in terms of characteristics and students behavior are outstanding. From the results, the researcher found out that there were lot of students as outstanding from the number of the respondents in Kapayapaan Integrated School . It can imply that the students still learn and gain knowledge through integration of educational game application on video lesson in cookery. The findings also indicated a significant relationship between the component of the video and characteristic of the students engagement no significant relationship and the components and characteristics of the educational game application have no significant effect on the students performance.