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Volume: 123  ,  Issue: 1 , April    Published Date: 30 April 2023
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 1571  ,  Download: 551 , Pages: 504 - 523    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001231420234718


# Author Name


This research wants to further study the relationship of factors associated with stress to the teachers job performance and students learning outcomes basis for stress management training. This study will use the Descriptive Quantitative research method in gathering information. This method enables the researcher to interpret the theoretical meaning of the findings and hypothesis development for further studies. Specifically, the researcher stylized a questionnaire type of descriptive quantitative research method, the Likert scale to be specific, which enables researcher to gather information from the respondents without the respondents having any difficulties in answering the questions required for the researcher to have information regarding the relationship of factors associated with stress to the teachers job performance and students learning outcomes basis for stress management training.                 In order to collect data needed, research instrument will be use. Questionnaires will be use to gather information from the respondents. It includes questions/ statements about relationship of relationship of factors associated with stress to the teachers job performance and students learning outcomes basis for stress management training. Questionnaire is answerable by using rate scale or the respondent rate. It will be use to gather data that will assess by the teachers and students from District V, Schools Division of San Pedro.                 Finding shows that the level of level of factors associated with stress in terms of physical stress, psychological stress, psychosocial stress and emotional stress are all high which can imply that teachers are experiencing stress however they are able to manage it properly. While the level of teachers job performance in terms of mastery of subject, designing learning experiences, facilitating learning, interpersonal relationship and professional development are also interpreted as high. Variables under teachers job performance also obtain a high mean which implies that teachers show good performance in their work. Then, the level of student outcomes in terms of knowledge and comprehension, challenge and skills, perseverance and commitment, academic engagement and skills and abilities are all high which can imply that students also show good performance and outcomes related with the teachers performance. Lastly, findings reveal that factors associated with stress have a significant relationship with the teachers job performance and students outcome which incites that stress could really affect the behavior, job commitment and the productivity of the teachers, also the outcomes of the student.The study shows that the factors associated with stress have a significant relationship with the teachers job performance and students outcome. Thus, the researcher concludes that the research hypotheses stating that “There is no significant relationship between factors associated with stress and teachers job performance” and “There is no significant relationship between factors associated with stress and students learning outcome” It is suggested for the school head to continue monitor their teachers and be aware of their emotions. Teachers should be given enough time for their job and daily life to lessen the experience of having lack of sleep, lack of exercise and fatigue. In this way, teachers can feel more comfortable even they have experienced a lot of stress. It is highly recommended for the school head and school administration to provide programs and other recreational activities that will involve the teachers such as physical activities, team building activities, socialization and community involvement. On this way, teachers may develop positive resiliency and well-being towards their working environment to lessen the effect of factors associated with stress.  It is suggested for the teachers to also regulate themselves and be aware of their emotions so that they can get help from other people whenever they needed. Teachers should also try to develop their own coping mechanism such as engagement to the people around, maintaining good relationship on to peers and seeking feedback from other people. It will help them to prevent being loaded and over stress with their job.  It is suggested for the students to do not directly rely with their teachers as they also responsible for their own outcome. They also need to be resilient, develop self-regulation to maintain their positive academic engagement.