Volume: 123 , Issue: 1 , April Published Date: 30 April 2023
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 1025 , Download: 1150 , Pages: 477 - 486
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001231420234825
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 1025 , Download: 1150 , Pages: 477 - 486
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001231420234825
# | Author Name |
This study aims to determine VARK: Teaching Strategies Used by Teachers for Learning Style and Performance of Students in Filipino. The respondents of this study consist of two hundred (200) selected students from the tenth grade of Pedro Guevara Memorial National High School in the academic year 2022-2023. Random sampling was used to obtain the total number of students. The research design used in this study is a descriptive method. The study revealed that the teaching strategies used by teachers based on Visual, Aural, Reading and Writing, and Kinesthetic have received highly agreeable remarks and very high literal explanations. According to the results, the teaching strategies used have helped the students in their learning. It also revealed that the level of proficiency in learning based on Reading has an interpreted equivalent of Highly Proficient and has a very satisfactory literal explanation. Meanwhile, in Writing, it has an interpreted equivalent of Proficient and has a somewhat satisfactory literal explanation. It is noticeable that the marks obtained by the students are high based on their performance in the activities. The results of the students performance in Filipino have an interpreted equivalent of Highly Proficient and have a very satisfactory literal explanation. The marks obtained by the students in their Filipino performance are also high. It also showed whether there is a significant correlation between VARK: Teaching strategies used by teachers and students learning proficiency in Filipino. The result indicated that There is no significant correlation between VARK: Teaching Strategies Used by Teachers and Learning Proficiency of Students in Filipino. It also showed whether there is a significant correlation between the teaching strategies used by teachers and the performance of students in Filipino. The result indicated that There is no significant correlation between VARK: Teaching Strategies Used by Teachers and the Performance of Students in Filipino. Based on the hypothesis that There is no significant correlation between VARK: Teaching Strategies Used by Teachers and Learning Proficiency of Students in Filipino, it is accepted since the results showed no significant correlation. And it was also proven that There is no significant correlation between VARK: Teaching Strategies Used by Teachers and Performance of Students in Filipino. It is accepted since the results showed no significant correlation. Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the researcher suggests that teachers should continue to use teaching strategies in teaching Filipino to further enhance the skills of the students. Students should be continuously guided in the ways of learning Filipino to address their learning gaps. The teaching of different strategies should be expanded and studied further to achieve the goal of learning.