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Teacher’s Competencies in Teaching Home Economics to the Acquisition of Student’s 21st Century Skills

Volume: 123  ,  Issue: 1 , April    Published Date: 17 April 2023
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 567  ,  Download: 725 , Pages: 96 - 104    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001231420234694


# Author Name
1 Mabeth R. Escobar


This study aims to determine the teachers competencies in teaching home economics and its relation to the extent of 21st century acquired skills of students. The intent of the study is to analyze the teachers competence in teaching home economics in terms of classroom management, guidance skills, professional skills, delivery of the lesson in home economics, and also determine the correlation to acquired 21st century skills of Students in terms of critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, creative thinking skills, communication skills and collaborative skills. The study was focused on the grade 7 students of Victoria District, the academic year 2022-2023. The study will use 15 public school teachers teaching Home Economics and 150 public school students as the respondents who are selected through a stratified random sampling technique. Level of teachers competencies in terms of classroom management, guidance skills, professional skills, delivery of the lesson were remarked as to High as evaluated by the respondents. This means further that the respondents manifested that the teachers possess high level of classroom management skills which aids to students learning, guiding abilities that assist learners in receiving advice on how to handle issues that could interfere with their academic performance, possess high levels of professional competencies that, when connected to the curriculum materials they utilize, promote instruction and student learning, assists students in engaging and promoting active involvement in class. Additionally, the correlation to acquired 21st century skills of Students in terms of critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, creative thinking skills, communication skills and collaborative skills is also remarked High. Furthermore, this implies that respondents believe they have strong critical thinking skills, which enable them to reflect on and comprehend their points of view, have strong problem-solving abilities, allowing them to take initiative and consider actions and consequences to lead their decisions along their learning journey, have strong creative thinking skills, which allows them to freely explore and learn new things from one another as they conquer problems, bring their innovative ideas to fruition, and push their boundaries, have great communication abilities, which allows them to be more participatory in classrooms and lead to improved clarity in understanding the material being taught, have strong collaborative talents, which allows them to improve the way your team collaborates and solves problems. This results in more innovation, more efficient processes, greater success, and better communication.   Based on the study it is revealed the relationship between the level of teachers competencies in terms of classroom management skills, guidance skills, professional skills, and delivery of the lesson to the extent of 21st century skills in terms of critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, creative thinking skills, communication skills and collaborative skills. This indicates further that teachers good classroom management skills aids students acquisition of the mentioned 21st century skills that would lead them to be competent students as well. However, a not significant relationship of the teachers competence in terms of guidance skills, professional skills and delivery of the lesson may imply that there are other factors that may be considered that can be in relation to the acquisition of the 21st century skills.   In light of the conclusion drawn from the findings, the following recommendations are hereby given, Teachers ensure learning involves more than just memorization and retention. During each lesson, teachers should encourage pupils to be creative. Teachers should implement 21st-century curricula, which can incorporate real-world experiences, authentic learning, media literacy, information and communication technologies, and knowledge, thinking, and innovative abilities into the academic courses.


  • Teacher’s competencies
  • Home Economics
  • classroom management
  • guidance