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Volume: 123  ,  Issue: 1 , April    Published Date: 17 April 2023
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 608  ,  Download: 935 , Pages: 73 - 84    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001231420234695


# Author Name


The focus of this study is to assess the school-based income generating projects of the Pila District and ascertain the positive effects and long-term viability of these initiatives on the performance tasks of home economics students in Don Manuel Rivera Memorial Integrated National High School and Linga National High School. The respondents were selected using the purposive sampling technique and consisted of eighteen (18) teachers and sixty-four (64) grade 10 students taking up the Home Economics specialization. The studys findings are as follows: The two high schools, Linga National High School and Don Manuel Rivera Memorial Integrated National High Schools, have different learning facilities and IGP support, but both benefit from the same income. Despite having the same income, the learners IGP support makes a significant difference in the improvement and expansion of learning facilities, skill training for learners, and financial assistance for learners. The level of school-based income generating projects in terms of motivation in doing laboratory tasks, and teamwork and collaboration are very high, while in terms of budget allocation for laboratory, and revolving fund are high. The level of learners competence in Home Economics relative to knowledge, attitude, and technical skills, is very high, while in terms of entrepreneurial skills, it is high. The school-based income generating project in terms of motivation in doing laboratory tasks, teamwork and collaboration, budget allocation for laboratory materials, and revolving fund has a significant relation to the learners competence in Home Economics relative to knowledge, attitude, technical skills, and entrepreneurial skills. As a result, the researcher concluded that the null hypothesis stating “There is no significant relationship between school-based income generating project and learners competence in home economics” is rejected. The following recommendations are made based on the findings and conclusion: Schools should initiate school-based IGPs as a sustainability program for the learners competence. While schools with an existing IGP should improve their policy and continuously utilize the program since it provides financial assistance and improves the learners competence. Teachers should initiate income-generating activities and projects to help ease the deficiency of their school budget to provide the necessary learning materials and facilities. Learners should be involved in different income-generating projects and activities since it is evident that it positively affects their learning competence. Future researchers should build off of this study to undertake extensive research on the improvement of conducting income-generating projects as a support system to enhance the learners competence.


  • motivation
  • school-based income generating project
  • learners' competence
  • income generating project
  • home economics
  • sustainability
  • financial support for learners
  • motivation
  • teamwork and collaboration
  • technical skills
  • entrepreneurial skills