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Social Skills of Low-Income Parents During COVID-19 Pandemic: Basis for Educational Support Program

Volume: 123  ,  Issue: 1 , April    Published Date: 18 April 2023
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 436  ,  Download: 367 , Pages: 130 - 137    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001231420234706


# Author Name
1 Adora D. Matias


Parents would be more confident in pursuing positive adjustments during the condition of COVID-19 pandemic managing parental task, and undertaking their functions and social responsibilities as parents. This study documents the social skills of the worldwide health crisis to families who are low- income earners in the Schools Division of Zambales, Philippines. This research investigated the upshot of COVID-19 could have on familys social skills and speaks directly to ways in which families may be impacted socially by the effects of COVID-19. Parents strongly agreed that they need to learn how to support their children emotionally and in their daily school task, they need to communicate with teachers to be prepared for remote teaching and flexible learning to facilitate a sustainable childrens learning and well- being, parents decide on how to monitor and filter their childrens exposure and access to the internet and how to educate them. While parents agreed that pandemic is also disconnecting children from family, friends, schools, and familiar routines. The study concluded the need of Social Support Program for parents to help overcome the undesirable social skills effect of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Schools Division of Zambales. This study recommended that schools are encouraged to foster ways of continuous communication and productive activities between parents, teachers, students during the remote distance learning.


  • social skills
  • COVID 19-pandemic
  • Low-Income Parents
  • Support Program