Volume: 122 , Issue: 1 , April Published Date: 15 April 2023
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 411 , Download: 309 , Pages: 189 - 220
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001221420234602
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 411 , Download: 309 , Pages: 189 - 220
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001221420234602
# | Author Name |
This descriptive study determines the relationship between the utilization of virtual field experience and students learning and performance. Fifty-four (54) purposively selected students from grade 4 at Cale Elementary School. It aimed to answer the questions such as the level of virtual field experiences of students, the level of students learning, the level of students performance and the between virtual field experiences and students learning and performance. The following were the significant findings of the investigation: In terms of level of virtual field experiences of students, findings show that all the indicators as to of virtual, immersive, interactive, investigative, engaging, experiential and collaborative field are verbally interpreted as “very high”. In addition, in terms of the level of students learning, findings show that item indicators as to discovery, social and constructive learning are verbally interpreted as “very high”. However as to multisensory learning is verbally interpreted as high”. Moreover, in terms of students performance as to pretest and post-test is perceived with significant difference. Furthermore, findings present the significant relationship between the contactless interactions to the students remote learning tasks. instruction is observed to have a significant weak relationship with the performance tasks motor and sports skills, and knowledge (r=0.283), and aesthetic sensitivity. Lastly, finding presents the weak negative correlation between virtual field experience in terms of virtual, immersive, interactive, investigative, experiential and collaborative field on students learning and performance. The results indicate that majority of the p-values are lower than the level of significance (α = 0.05) hence, the null hypothesis is rejected. Therefore, there is a negative relationship between the virtual field experiences and students learning and performance as perceived by the respondents. However, the results indicate that in terms of engaging field, f the p-values are higher than the level of significance (α = 0.05) hence, the null hypothesis is accepted. Therefore, there is no significant relationship between the virtual field experiences and students learning and performance in terms of Engaging as perceived by the respondents. The study shows that in almost all item indicators in terms of virtual, immersive, interactive, investigative, experiential and collaborative field, except engaging field that there is a significant relationship between the virtual field experiences and students learning and performance. The researcher then come up to the conclusion that the null hypothesis is “partially rejected”. It is highly suggested that classrooms may have technology-based classrooms for modifications and improvement for the instruction use so that students will be able to develop engagement and clearly understand the concepts. It is recommended that the performance monitoring may focus on the students needs and enable them to learn. Furthermore, teachers may also emphasize the value of learning science concepts and promotes its importance for the learners. Enhancement program and/or extended activities may help them to fully understand the help of science in their daily lives. Grade 4 students may not that inclined to classroom tasks and activities, so that it is highly recommended to provide engaging resources and instructional materials wherein their can exhibit their academic skills Lastly, they may find the meaning of science concepts out of the context if they can experience more hands on activities.