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Parental Involvement and Reading Performance of Pupils

Volume: 123  ,  Issue: 1 , April    Published Date: 19 April 2023
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 569  ,  Download: 1405 , Pages: 171 - 179    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001231420234715


# Author Name
1 Rosie S. Ombayao-Mugot
2 Rosalinda C. Tantiado


This study focused on the extent of parental involvement and reading performance of the Grade VI pupils in Villanueva South District for the School Year 2022-2023. This study answered the following questions:  the extent of parental involvement in terms of Parenting, Communication, and Learning at Home the level of pupils reading performance when categorized as Independent, Instructional, Frustration, and Non-reader the relationship between parental involvement and the level of pupils reading performance. This study used an adapted and modified 4-Point Likert questionnaire of Epstein (1993) as cited by Yuliante et al. (2018) and the components of Phil-IRI that served as the second instrument because this was the dependent variable in this study. The researcher utilized the descriptive–correlational research design to justify and realize the studys objectives. Results revealed that the pupils agreed that parents must be involved in their reading practices specifically in parenting, communication, and learning at home. Additionally, results showed that more pupils belonged to the Instructional Level of Reading Performance. The study conveyed the significant relationship between the extent of parental involvement and the reading performance of the pupils. Therefore, parents should understand that parenting, communication with the teachers, and learning at home have significant impacts on how well school-aged children read. It is recommended that the school must introduce various school programs and projects that involve the parents to foster a strong relationship between the teachers and the parents and parents and pupils.