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Students’ Transition from K12 Program to Nursing Program: An Experiential Detail

Volume: 122  ,  Issue: 1 , April    Published Date: 15 April 2023
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 486  ,  Download: 625 , Pages: 169 - 179    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001221420234678


# Author Name


Nursing is one of the toughest professions and during the preparation, student nurses are trained to be resilient in all aspects of life. Student nurses are expected to comply with the standards of nursing education and nursing practice. Along with struggles in taking the program cannot be denied, especially most during the transition period from the newly introduced K12 program in the Philippines to the nursing program. Thus, the study aims to explore the students transition from K12 Program to Nursing Program. In meeting international norms and standards, better student preparation for life, preserving national identity and improving student competencies, K12 has been implemented. However, during class observation among graduates of K12 program were having difficulty in understanding the major courses, troubled following instructions with the basic rules of the college and excelling to nursing program was apparently sensed a struggle. To investigate further, the researcher utilized descriptive qualitative method in exploring the student-nurses experiential detail during the transition from K12 program to the nursing program. The study was conducted to level 1 of Bachelor of Science in Nursing who took K12 program regardless of the strands. In exploring the experiential details of the transition, structured questions were formulated until the saturation of responses were reached. To further validate and clarify the meaning of the experiences a follow-up interview was completed. From the analysis of data, the study found that the transition period tests the student nurses in adopting to change. The result reveals, challenges encountered, coping strategies employed and personal growth and development among student nurses during the transition. In conclusion, the transition from K12 program to nursing program impacts the lives of students and taught them the value of experiences to prime success in the future.


  • student nurses; K12 program; transition; nursing program; experiential detail