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School Support Facilities, Students’ Performance and Participation in Academic Activities: A Literature Review

Volume: 118  ,  Issue: 1 , February    Published Date: 13 February 2023
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 2594  ,  Download: 3182 , Pages: 91 - 99    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001181220234473


# Author Name


This alarming issues need to close the gap in order for the students from the Philippines to become competitive with their counterparts worldwide.  The Department of Education has been very eager to find a solution to this unrelenting concern, hence upgrading school facilities such as the construction of standard-sized classrooms, and the gradual implementation of digitalization in public institutions like provision of internet connection, laptops, computers, and tablets for both teachers and learners. This study primarily explored the school support facilities that are available at Zeneben Integrated School and their current status.  The study also sought to determine the academic performance of Junior High School (JHS) students for the first semester of the School Year 2022-2023. The research used descriptive statistics such as mean, frequency, percentage, and Grade Point Average (GPA) to analyze the collected data.  To analyze the qualitative data gathered, content analysis was utilized. The result of the study shows that tables, toilets, classrooms chairs, laboratory room and library were the least provided school facilities.  The Physical facilities are generally in “good” condition.  On the adequacy of learning materials and furniture, the result revealed that books, tables, chairs, and cabinet /bookshelves are not adequate to serve the studentry.  As to the academic performance of the Junior High School (JHS) students, in totality, they performed very satisfactorily during the first semester of the School Year 2022-2023.  Majority of the school-aged children were enrolled in the school. The reasons of dropping out from the class among the out-of-school youth (OSY) were the family problem and poverty.  The dropped outs agreed that there are facilities that are needed to be provided and repaired to serve better the whole of the students.  Physical Facilities were never been the reason of the out-of-school (OSY) to stop from stopping schooling.


  • Students performance
  • Participation
  • School Support Facilities
  • Academic Activities