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Utilization of Smart Book Media for Achieved Scientific Approaches

Volume: 17  ,  Issue: 1 , November    Published Date: 09 December 2018
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 986  ,  Download: 557


# Author Name
1 Moh Thobib


The use of media in historical learning is very necessary. Attractive, effective and efficient media is one measure. In this library research examines the success of the application of smart book media in the history of learning at the level of high school (SMA) class XI SMA. This Smart Book Media is a combination of learning media based on audia and textual combined with Augmented Reality (AR) technology. So with this smart book, teachers and students can use smartpone to use the scanner feature. Then various objects can appear if it is directed at the target in the module. Through this media, the achievement of the scientific approach is increased and the interest of students is increasingly attractive and satisfying learning outcomes.


  • use of media
  • smart book
  • scientific approach