Volume: 116 , Issue: 1 , January Published Date: 09 January 2023
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 537 , Download: 417 , Pages: 196 - 202
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001161120234418
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 537 , Download: 417 , Pages: 196 - 202
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP1001161120234418
# | Author Name |
Inclusive education, more than mainstreaming the learners with special needs, is also concerned with identifying and overcoming all barriers for effective, continuous and quality participation of all in education (Ramchand and Dummugudem, 2014). This research was conducted to test the effect of using Jeraldine Approach in reading braille alphabet in increasing the reading performance of pupils with visual impairment. Specifically, the study determined the mean score of the respondents before and after the implementation of Jeraldine Approach as intervention and how it helped them in a convenient way. The study was conducted to two purposively selected learners with visual impairment. It used the Explanatory Sequential Research Design which showed that all of them had poor understanding in language development particularly in braille reading before the intervention, however, the respondents showed a satisfactory result after the intervention. Utilizing the weighted mean and standard deviation in getting the mean score revealed that their mean percentage score has increased. This implies that the participants have improved their reading performance after the implementation of the Jeraldine Approach. Moreover, the pretest and posttest mean scores of the participants indicated of a very high significant difference, therefore the intervention has contributed large effect on the reading performance of the learners. The result, likewise, indicated the themes easy to understand, easy to use and easy to manipulate.