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Information and Knowledge Management for Development.

Volume: 115  ,  Issue: 1 , December    Published Date: 26 December 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 470  ,  Download: 398 , Pages: 356 - 360    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP10011511220224358


# Author Name
1 Dr. Leoncio P. Olobia


The confluence of Information Communication Technology (ICT) and Knowledge Management for Development (KM4D) creates a robust partnership in dwelling upon development targets of a nation. While problems of digital uptake brought about by digi tal divide continue to hound information-poor nations of the Global South widening the gap mostly to the benefit of Global North countries, digitization process creates economic opportunities that alleviate poverty conditions if harnessed properly and pr opel economies much higher through continued utilization. While development equates with poverty alleviation as its main target, KM4D must propel regional economies benefiting from integrated knowledge base to a much higher economic growth after hitting poverty allevation targets. In other words, KM4D can immerse with a robust community of practice through knowledge sharing practices while adopting business strategies in order to achieve economic wealth. In principle, innovators and distributors transcend economies in a given place as a network of creators. Lastly, ICT is a viable component in economic development where its utilization and management should coincide with KM’s organizational outcomes as a form of synergy.


  • information management
  • ICTD4D
  • digitization
  • knowledge management