Volume: 110 , Issue: 1 , October Published Date: 11 October 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 1662 , Download: 12047 , Pages: 555 - 569
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP10011011020223980
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 1662 , Download: 12047 , Pages: 555 - 569
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP10011011020223980
# | Author Name |
1 | Elymar A. Pascual |
2 | Stella Marie A. Virtudez |
3 | Karla Carryl B. Cambia |
The institutionalization of the Alternative Learning System in basic education in the Philippines (Republic Act 11510) last December 2020 paved the way for the out-of-school youth, adults, unreached, undeserved, conflict-affected communities, and communities in emergency situations to avail of systematic and flexible basic education program. The Department of Education in Nagcarlan is one of districts in Laguna, Philippines who is very passionate about this program, and through years of implementation, there were those who have even succeeded up to college graduation. This study focused on tracing those graduates and learning from them the struggles or obstacles they overcame going to college success. Six former ALS passers who obtained baccalaureate degree agreed to participate in this qualitative study. Through online survey containing five qualitative questions with follow-up inquiries through social media, the investigation of their path to success was documented. Responses were analyzed by developing themes from the patterns in their responses. The five major findings are as follows: (1) Education is a way of lifting ones status in life as a person mature in age, achieve dreams, and raise a family (2) Time management is the best way to grip ones responsibilities in terms of having a family, work and household chores (3) Lack of opportunities, worries, fulfilling a dream of finishing secondary school and being a different person are the perspective of ALS students (4) College study poses to ALS passers a survival-of-the-fittest in education as insecurities, struggles, fear and pressure are present to stop them, but with the help of others and self-determination, they are able to conquer all those obstacles and (5) Despite having difficulty in time management, financial instability, and adjustment to new lessons, ALS passers chose to be inspired, work hard, be patient and diligent for them to overcome obstacles. Recommendations were laid down for out-of-school-youths, adults, families, Department of Education officials and future researchers at the end of the study.