Publisher Name: IJRP
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# | Author Name |
1 | Elihami Elihami; Ismail Ismail; Suparman Suparman; Amir Patintingan |
The latest developments that prioritize creativity and innovation to compete and survive in the context of higher education spread the organizational climate as a significant concern. Thus, the study of the influence of innovative Sinta Indexes has evolved although its essence as a multidimensional variable is rarely examined in empirical research. This study measures the relationship between innovative and loving organizational climate between 4,043 academics in the Institute of Private Higher Education (PTS) and 370 academics in the State Higher Education Institution (PTN). This is a cross sectional study that combines Life-Span theory, Social Exchange Theory (SET) and the Three Organizational Commitment Model Components (TCM). Data was collected among Indonesian academics from state and private Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and analyzed using Smart PLS 3.25. The findings reveal a significant positive relationship between the innovative organizational climate and organizational commitment. This implies that the experiences of an innovative and supportive organizational climate leader to be affective feel bound to their institutions, thereby strengthening their obligation to pursue new developments for their institutions, peers and themselves. Improving an innovative organizational climate is a strategic decision to increase commitment among academics, thereby increasing organizational performance.