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Exploring the Issues and Challenges on the Implementation of Science Strategic Intervention Material (SIM): A Qualitative Inquiry

Volume: 110  ,  Issue: 1 , October    Published Date: 09 October 2022
Publisher Name: IJRP
Views: 950  ,  Download: 692 , Pages: 457 - 478    
DOI: 10.47119/IJRP10011011020223965


# Author Name
1 Cherry Agosto Payot
2 Exelsis Deo A. Deloy


This qualitative-phenomenological study determined the experiences of teachers in Kapalong East District, Davao del Norte on the deteriorating academic performance of students in the field of Science. As stipulated in the DepEd Order No. 39, s. 2012, interventions have to be made in order to address the learning gaps. The use of Strategic Intervention Material (SIM) has been one of the suggested intervention materials.  The purpose of this study was to explore and understand the experiences of Science teachers who implemented SIM and how they coped with the issues and challenges. This study was gleaned through the Lev Vygotskys Sociocultural Theory (1935) and Kellers Personalized System of Instruction (1968). Fourteen (14) teachers participated in the in-depth interview and focus group discussion. They were selected through purposive sampling technique. There were issues emerged in the problem namely time and budget constraints lack of teachers competence students responses and support from administration suitability replicability and durability of materials. To address the issues and challenges they mentioned ways: time-management optimism support from experts motivating ones self and proper planning. They also cited insights they could share to others: SIM is way of coping least learned competency useful and helpful and develops teachers satisfaction.  With the results, they implied that the teachers need to become passionate in teaching as well as having a huge responsibility in the school to help students and to provide materials to uplift academically the at risk learners. The results were deemed significant to public school teachers I, II, III, master teachers, school heads, and other stakeholders to create programs and conduct trainings and seminars that would develop the skills of teachers in implementing strategic intervention material.


  • Implementation
  • issues
  • challenges
  • science
  • strategic
  • intervention
  • material